Start: Fly ShuttleOne

Quick Overview of the team, the purpose and the project

The Operating System For Web 3

ShuttleOne is an operating system for Web 3 applications and companies.

At its core, ShuttleOne is a cross-chain infrastructure that facilitates multiple blockchain interoperability and to the real-world seamlessly.

Metachain – The Multichain router by ShuttleOne is a multichain aggregator with a collective of multichain Web 3 applications, benefiting the users and developers from the best performance blockchain network at time of transaction.

With consolidated dApps, Web 3 users can use the same application or wallet, and the same network currency - $SZO for all gas fees.

ShuttleOne is serving real-world entities that are upgrading from Web 2 to Web 3 infrastructure, from government –related agencies, e-commerce giants and various SMEs merchants across 80 countries. ShuttleOne is the first crypto company ever to win the ASEAN Fintech Award by Central Bank of Singapore.

Who Are We?

ShuttleOne is a international team with members in Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.


Please read our litepaper for a quick and indepth overview.

What is the problem ShuttleOne is working to solve?

  • Gateway between blockchain networks

Blockchain is promised to solve fragmentation problems in the world, in finance and even the internet.

However, as blockchain technology evolves, more fragmentation happens. Blockchain networks become siloed ecosystems while users need to jump between chains, choose between protocols while missing out on potential opportunities on other chains – this was not the intended future.

With Metachain- a multichain aggregator developed by ShuttleOne, businesses and applications will be able to consolidate their products within one interface, while continuing the benefits from different blockchain networks.

  • Bridging the real-world to crypto

Crypto mass adoption will happen when the everyday people and businesses can tap into crypto benefits. With ready-to-use, simplistic crypto products, Metachain by ShuttleOne serve as the gateway where crypto adoption made easy.

Example of an award winning real-world usecase built by ShuttleOne: Plug N Play Defi.

Plug N Play DeFi is an integrable DeFi solution that serves real-world businesses for financing needs. The application uses Metachain tools, allows businesses to leverage their real-world assets and unbiased technology for fast and secure financial support. Plug N Play Defi is implemented by several fintech companies that are moving into DeFi and serves over 4000 small and medium merchants who are growing their businesses to the next level.

This is an example of how powerful Metachain tools can be, and the possibilities are endless.

ShuttleOne expertise lies in developing real-world usecases for blockchain technology, using Multichain technology to build customizable, ready-to-use solutions for the real world industries and businesses.

Last updated