Wrap SZO token for trading
If you are interested in holding SZO tokens for trading purpose, you need to wrap SZO into wSZO.
How to wrap SZO into wSZO token
1. Go to the Shuttle One wrap at: http://shuttleone.network/szo-swap/
2. Connect with your BSC (Binance Smartchain) or ETH wallet.
3. Put the amount of SZO you want to wrap then click “SWAP”.
4. Your wallet balance will show the WSZO once the transaction is completed.
Why do I need to wrap SZO?
If you are interested in holding SZO tokens for trading purpose, you need to wrap SZO into wSZO.
The effectiveness of these wrapped tokens helps with creating more connections or bridges between different blockchains. A wrapped token, which is a tokenized form of an asset that natively lives on another blockchain which also helps interoperability in the cryptocurrency and Decentralized Finance (DeFi) ecosystem.
Only KYC-ed holders can wrap and unwrap SZO token.
When you trade SZO on exchanges, you will receive wSZO. If you are using exchanges to get wSZO, you do not need to provide KYC.
What is KYC? Why do I need to KYC to wrap SZO?
KYC (Know Your Customer) identity verification procedures are legal requirements to comply with Anti-Money Laundering laws. Some identifying documents required by KYC processes include:
· Driver’s license/ Government- issued photo ID
· Passport
· Social security number
ShuttleOne is currently undergoing licensing application in the Republic of Singapore under the new Digital Payment Token constitution in the 2019 Payment Services Act. In short the crypto law of Singapore.
From day 1, we’ve been designing the ShuttleOne.Network with the on-coming regulations in mind. Therefore, any source that issues SZO (i.e ShuttleOne SpacePods) needs to be KYC-ed in order to comply to strict Anti-Money Laundering laws that are creeping up in the crypto industry.
If you are using exchanges to get wSZO, you do not need to provide KYC.
How to submit verification documents with SHUTTLEONE to start wrapping SZO
1. Go to our verification website here.
2. Input your personal information as requested including:
- Full name.
- A photo of yourself holding your valid passport with details showing clearly.
- Passport ID.
- Email.
3. Submit the documents.
You are now verified with ShuttleOne and can start wrapping $SZO for trading.
Last updated
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