
1. Fiat conversion fee:

Token to fiat fee Conversion fee between tokens to fiat currencies. Metachain currently supports the conversion of any tokens directly to bank account in 80 countries.

Micro transaction (below $2500) - $30 per transaction

US$2,500-US$99,999 - 1.75% of USD Value

US$100,000 -US$4.999 million - 1.5% of USD Value

Between 5 to US$49.999 million - 0.5% of USD value

Fiat to Crypto Transfer Details

a. Transactions Between Monday 8am to Friday 3pm Singapore Time

Funds will be received next banking day

b. Transactions Between Friday 3pm to Monday 7.59am Singapore Time

Funds will be received before Wednesday 5pm Singapore time

Please note that your receiving bank may ask you to provide details of the transactions, these may come in the form of an email, or call where you may need to surface the why the transaction has taken place. Your receiving bank may also charge you a processing fee in the domestic currency which ShuttleOne is not privy to. Your receiving bank may also impose foreign exchange transaction fees that ShuttleOne is not privy to.


The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) requires us to provide this risk warning to you as a customer of ShuttleOne. Before you pay ShuttleOne any money or DPT, you should be aware of the following.

  1. ShuttleOne is exempted by MAS from holding a licence to provide DPT services. Please note that this does not mean you will be able to recover all the money or DPTs you paid to ShuttleOne if our business fails.

  2. You should not transact in the DPT if you are not familiar with this DPT. This includes how the DPT is created, and how the DPT you intend to transact is transferred or held by ShuttleOne.

  3. You should be aware that the value of DPTs may fluctuate greatly. You should buy DPTs only if you are prepared to accept the risk of losing all of the money you put into such tokens.

  4. You should be aware that ShuttleOne, as part of its licence to provide DPT services, may offer services related to DPTs which are promoted as having a stable value, commonly known as “stablecoin”.

Last updated

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