Move SZO token to Binance Smart Chain

How to wrap your wSZO from Ethereum Blockchain to Binance Smart Chain

What is Binance Smart Chain ?

"The launch of BSC, an Ethereum Virtual Machine-compatible blockchain that is ready to be tested and piloted by some of the top projects in the crypto industry, is expected to greatly increase the utility of both Binance Chain and BNB. With the introduction of the Proof of Staked Authority (PoSA) consensus mechanism, BSC creates an ecosystem where validators, token holders, developers, and users all benefit from a rewarding blockchain that offers high performance and ample space for further innovations."

Before you start: Configure your Metamask Wallet

Please follow these instructions on how to configure your wallet for Binance Smart Chain on your Metamask Wallet.

Step 1: Head over to the ShuttleOne Multichain Bridge

Step 2: Enter Amount of wSZO you wish to Wrap into Binance Smart Chain and click "Bridge"

Step 3: Wait for 12 confirmations on Ethereum for the Wrap to be completed

Once the txhash on the bottom box appears, your wSZO has been wrapped.

Step 4: Switch your Metamask Wallet to the BSC Network

Step 5: Add wSZO (The ShuttleOne Token) into your BSC Wallet

Please check that you've added the right contract address for wSZO on Binance Smart Chain

ShuttleOne Token on Binance Smart Chain


Last updated