Swap SZO token on Pancakeswap
How to swap wrapped SZO (SZO) from Pancakeswap Exchange
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How to swap wrapped SZO (SZO) from Pancakeswap Exchange
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Go to Pancakeswap: https://pancakeswap.finance/swap
Connect your wallet (choose from Pancakeswap accepted wallets: Metamask, TrustWallet, Binance Wallet,..)
3. Choose wallet that will store wSZO:
Add new currency by clicking on Select a Currency
2. Choose Manage Token
3. Go to Tokens tab -> Add $wSZO smart contract here and Import
$wSZO smart contract: 0xab837ac8800083653e5d15ceaa7e23d20adfc991
4. Confirm import $wSZO to Pancakeswap
After confirming, $wSZO is now available to trade on Pancakeswap.
1. Choose the trading pair (example BNB – wSZO).
2. Confirm order.
You will receive wSZO in your wallet once the transaction is completed.
If you couldn’t see wSZO balance show in your wallet, chances are you need to add wSZO token in the wallet.
To add wSZO on Metamask Binance Smart Chain (BSC) wallet:
Go to the wallet
Choose “Add Token”
Choose “Customs token” and put the following token address on the required fields:
Contract: 0xab837ac8800083653e5d15ceaa7e23d20adfc991
Decimals: 18
Official sites: https://shuttleone.network/2020/